Experience Your Queen’s Ascension with Ultra 8.0.0

Master Emergency Situations with NFC Enhancements



We’re thrilled and can hardly wait for you to experience the transformative power of Ultra 8.0.0 in your organization. We’re just one step away, with one big feature left to reveal before we reach checkmate and unveil the full release!

Your queen may start as one of many pieces on the chessboard, but with Ultra 8.0.0, she becomes the most powerful, leading your security strategy to victory. With our NFC enhancements for emergency use, your response capabilities are unmatched, ensuring swift and efficient action when it matters most.

Why not sharpen your skills with expert insights and strategic discussions? Dive into captivating chess podcasts to enhance your security approach.

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So, how does your queen's ascension enhance your emergency response?

Empower Emergency Response

With Geo-Fencing Lockdown capabilities, leaders can swiftly secure areas using their mobile devices, ensuring rapid response and safety for all.
The Millennium Mobile Connect with Geo-Fencing provides seamless access control, Compatible with both iOS and An­droid devices, allowing users to utilize their smartphones for convenient entry. NFC tags enhance security in busy fa­cilities by enabling quick, contactless access, making it the optimal solution for high-traffic environments.

Why is this beneficial:

  • Seamless Integration: Works with your existing hardware, including readers and door controllers.
  • Flexible Access Management: Easily configure and adjust access permissions to meet your specific needs.
  • Comprehensive Logging: All actions are recorded in a detailed historical log for thorough documentation and review.

Every Second Counts in an Emergency

In times of crisis, having quick and efficient security measures in place is paramount. With Millennium NFC tags, fortifying campus or building security and responding to emergen­cies has never been more seamless. Acting as a direct conduit to our Ultra Access Control system, these NFC tags empower authorized personnel to take immediate action from their smartphones, whether it’s securing entry points or safeguarding specific areas. Each tag offers customizable commands, ensuring tai­lored responses to diverse emergency scenari­os. Our commitment to reliable solutions en­sures the safety and peace of mind of all stake­holders, including you, your students, employ­ees, visitors, and customers.

UMC (Ultra Mobile Connect) with Emergency Tag/ NFC:
Rapid Lockdown Solutions

Millennium’s UMC, now enhanced with Geo-Fencing, provides rapid lockdown capabilities for urgent emergency response scenarios. Whether in educational institutions, healthcare facilities, or expansive event venues, leaders can swiftly guarantee safety. Pre-programmed tags positioned at strategic points such as desks or podiums enable users to take immediate action with their phones and UMC:

  • Tap and Activate: Instantly initiate lockdown for designated areas.
  • Trigger Alarms: Promptly alert security and relevant personnel by activating alarms for their specific area.
  • Extend Lockdown: With a simple action, extend lockdown to multiple areas, swiftly notifying security for immediate intervention. This streamlined process empowers leaders to swiftly secure groups, ensuring timely communication and utmost safety.

Join the Webinar

Unveiling Ultra 8.0.0
The Future of Access Control

Discover the groundbreaking features and benefits of Ultra 8.0.0 in our exclusive webinar!

Just as the queen ascends to her powerful position on the chessboard, Millennium’s emergency tags empower you to swiftly and strategically secure your surroundings, ensuring safety with precision and foresight

Stay tuned..

Get ready for our upcoming email, where we’ll unveil the ultimate move in your journey—unlocking the game-changing power of Checkmate Ultra 8.0.0, your winning strategy for security excellence.

If you missed any part of the chess journey, catch up on previous emails below:

If you have any questions or want to learn more about “Ultra 8.0.0,” don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to support you every step of the way.


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