Millennium Ultra Version 5.0.0​

Ultra-Modern, Flexible Access Control Software For All Facilities

Explore the new features in our 2021 Millennium Ultra version 5.0.0. release

The latest Ultra software version 5.0.0. features and functionalities are designed to expand your capabilities and enhance your ease of use.

Millennium Ultra is our flagship web browser-capable access control platform designed with a highly scalable architecture capable of supporting thousands of doors across multiple locations. Millennium Ultra is flexible and customizable for any business environment, allowing for easy user access to complex functionality with our intuitive user interface. Ultra is fully backward and forward compatible with all of the Millennium Door Control Devices and the software supports all popular third-party card and select bio-metric technologies to ensure the highest levels of compatibility and security.

Client Management Software Portal

Experience enhanced ease of site management with the upgraded ‘Client Management’ software portal. Learn More



Visitor Sub-system

Visitor management subsystem from Millennium allows you to issue temporary credentials for visitors to your site.

Parking Sub-system

Allows Property Managers to manage who, how many, and how long cars are using the Parking Facility.

Network Elevator Controller

IP-based Controller that can link directly over the internet to the Ultra 5.0 Hosted Instance.

Web License Upgrades

Ultra 5.0.0 will support remote license updates directly from client management software portals to promote ease of use.

End-Users Management Options

New software interface allowing end-users gain access to site installation licensing options, send service requests and other feedback. Learn More



Allegion ENGAGE Integrations

Millennium Ultra now offers Gateway IP mode integration with NDE/LE/NDEB/LEB/Smart Control locks from Allegion.

Property Management Module

Eliminate Double Entry of data by linking a Site’s Property Management Software to Millennium Ultra Version 5.0 through the Property Management Module.

Asset Management Module

Assets Management software module allows the management of amenities such as towels, hand weights, bicycles, scooters and other high-turnover rental valuables to prevent revenue loss.

Auto-Import Module

The new Ultra 5.0.0 comes equipped with the ability to license the auto-import module for cardholders.

Digital Watch Dog CCTV Integration

Expanded video integration development for Millennium Ultra adds to a wide range of existing 3rd party software integrations for a more robust security system (Paid feature- license required) Learn More



Millennium User Credential Geo-Fencing Option

You can now activate geographical fencing for the use of your (UMC) smartphone credentials mobile connect app for increased security.

2NIntercom Integration with Elevator Support

The integration with the 2N intercom telephony system now comes with elevator support.

Improved Tenant Functions

Number of access levels per tenant has increased to 10 in the new Millennium Ultra 5.0.0.

New Report Functionality

Marked report subsystem improvements, include the ability to create new reports featuring doors and floors by cardholders added.

Upgrade to Cloud-hosted

Enjoy the Millennium Ultra software without the need for dedicated access control servers, software installations and ongoing maintenance or backups. The cloud-hosted Access Control Solution is designed for a fast and easy installation with full features, capabilities and reliability just like the stable on-premise solutions you expect. Cloud-hosted offers hands off maintenance and leads to the elimination of operator errors from manual upgrades and system updates. The Millennium Ultra cloud-hosted system is flexible to fit any size installation. It is available for single door sites and is expandable for sites with thousands of door

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